Its a sad day when a gambler can't say what he feels..I have been deleted today.. and someone change my profile..Did my statement about Majorspoker hurt anyone?? Come on man..If i feel there card room is a blast why delete it from my profile???? Was this a board room decision??I will ask sickgambler took look in this for me!
No problem Old, I will look into this for you tonight. I will be free in the evening to go into the bored room for you and tell you all the details that is being said. If I don't get a chance to tonight, i'm sure the other 8 people who have access to the bored room will fill me in, but I'm sure I'll find the time though.

I can't stop laughing here with this pw. I must admit, I have NEVER enjoyed the bored room as much as i am enjoying it now. Thanks Ken, for making the bored fun again for me.. What's hilarious is Ken doesn't trust me, yet when I was in there for 5 months, no one was able to get a hold of the pw and know info in there. But 6 days after I leave, the whole world knows it. And you guys dont trust me huh?? I think you boys were not trusting the wrong people. But thanks boys, I now have reason to get up in the morning. I really also would like to thank one of your very trusted bored room members (one of your favorites in there too) for that pw. Thanks boys, keep talking in there, but just remember one thing, I am reading everything, AND LOVING IT...
Far as I know, no one did anything to you.

Ask Joe, he claims someone did something to him too.
Cool to see you in this thread Sick.

You lying scumbag pile of shit.

You signed a confidentiality agreement.


No doubt you have all kinds of justifications for this, Ken this, Ken that yada yada.

At the end of the day, all a man has is his word. You gave yours, broke it.

You are scum of the lowest order.

And you all have a nice day...
I deserve the credit dammit!

I removed your advertisement, and i moved you dumbass threads to RubberRoom.

Figured that was nicer than banning your lame ass.

Hi sick gambler, got any books you want to recommend?
Surely there is a book out there in trouble that you have $ in.

New member
Feb 21, 2002
Hey oldfriend & sick,

can you go change into your coolhand jim
and identidy costumes??i like that
little bit where all 4 are in a thread
together.a personal favourite!!

IT's Getting Awfully Hasselhott in Hier!!!
Click below...Be Patient.
updated occasionally
The song Hot Shot City is particularly good
sick gambler
Certifiably Crazy
posted 10-15-02 11:56 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I got the fu ck out of there and fast. I knew it all along that they were going down. In fact, I just revoked an 8 dime bonus last week and cashed out all my money as fast as i could because I knew something was NOT kosher here. Everyone of their games were 16 cents off on the 10 cent line. I emailed a bunch of people telling them last week to get the hell out of this hell hole. I took out every penny out of there, and let me say one thing. I had quite a bit of money in there, and I am NOT joking when I say, I had quite a bit of money in there. When a book gives you 10 dimes a game on game that you can have a 16 cent scalp on 6 games a day, Cust Serv is crappy, and seeing them inventing their own rules by saying, I only have played 110 dimes in action, when I have 175 dimes in action because they have all of a sudden decided that pushes don't count and so on. That's when I decided, IT'S OVER. Never had I been so happy to get out of a joint in my offshore career like this in my life. I am now kissing the ground that I did NOT get stiffed here, cause this would have killed my year. This place was another Camelot, and I knew they were going down. Too many similarities with the bonuses, and you can't touch your money for the whole rollover. There was too much Markdel in there. I called and asked for Bill 37 times, and 37 times, he was in a meeting. I emailed him several times, NO answer. That's when I knew I am taking out all my money, minus 8 dimes of bonus. Who the f uck cares. I am just thankful I did NOT get the stiff here. I just knew it all along. And had Russ still had an IM, I could have saved 40 more people. What a piece of shit this book was. Yes, I did very well against NAB, but I am just very fortunate right now. From day 1, i swear to God, and you can ask many many posters that I spoke to, i told each one, including Shrink and Russ that this place is going down soon. Russ never believed me. The writing was on the wall here. Any dummy can see it. How the hell can you take 10 dimes on a game, and not move your line. And have the game 16 cents off to boot.They really really pissed me off at the end when they wouldn't even send me my money through NETeller. I had to open up a Securebuxx account. Everytime I asked a question, they would block the receiver, and i could hear mumbling in the background, and just tell me lies after lies after lies. They lied through their teeth about everything. I fu ckin hated this place. Thank you God, I owe you. I wanted to come in here weeks ago and warn people, but I just couldn't. They all begged me to please not announce it till they get paid, and I was also waiting for my last payout to arrive. I was ready to announce it here, but I had to wait.

I knew it all along. I just NEVER trusted these people at NAB, NEVER.
What's wrong butternutts, do I sense you a little upset that I am reading every little detail in there. LOL This is too funny. What's wrong, did I make you all look stupid now?? 5 months in there with me, NOT one soul knows anything. 1 week I am out, the whole world knows everything. Too fu ckin funny, and makes you all look like idiots now... I love it.

Peep, I never had any respect for you, I always thought you were a big ken suck up. From the first time i ever read your posts, I knew you were a punk. Now I can see why everyone hates you so much..You have changed Peep, and you know it. You're a piece of shit. It's just too obvious. You are such a jerk. I have way more respect for uncle than you.

Now run along boys to your BR and post, come on, I am bored, I want to do some reading in there.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I knew it all along. I just NEVER trusted these people at NAB, NEVER. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Does NAB = New Age Bets?? Because those f^ckers screwed me big and it came after a nice recommendation from a friend of 'another' forum/portal site.

Whatever happened to that book anyway?? I hope they took the funds they stole from my account, bought a bad bag of heroin and OD'd alone in a gutter somewhere....



Plus ça change, Plus c'est la même chose
Suckup huh?

So, how would you describe your relationship with THE SHRINK?

Just short of cash, needed a handout?

Guess you got all you needed from him, now you can trash him.

Wow, what a standup guy you are. Almost as noble as your actions with NAB.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> They all begged me to please not announce it till they get paid, and I was also waiting for my last payout to arrive. I was ready to announce it here, but I had to wait.

I knew it all along. I just NEVER trusted these people at NAB, NEVER. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>.
Sick, it is not about you having respect for me.

It is about you having respect for yourself. You gave you word and you broke it.

A man's word is who he is buddy.
Who stole Sick Gamblers ID? This can't be the real SG he is a 35+ yr old adult, this SG is obviously a 14 yr old child.

Yes NAB robbed many players here of all their funds.

Of course, wonderboy "sick gambler", after proclaiming to The Rx posters how "GREAT" NAB was, was able to get his money out .

Of course, his money was on the backs of the posters foolish enough to trust his reccomendation of NAB, and postup there.

It wasn't his fault though you see, he had Money in NAB, he had no choice but to help them get some post-up funds, otherwise he would not get HIS money out.

See a trend here anyone????
Sick quit while he is behind.

Good move on his part, nice to know his word means nothing though, I will be sure to remind him of it in the future hehe.

On second thought, think I'll give him amnesty. Guy has 6000 posts and is a proven loser (had to fly in CLev to have a date), so I am out of here too.
Over the past several months, I was seriously considering opening an offshore account.

But after reading this thread. No phucking way In hell.

Thanks to all of you for bringing this thread to the Rubber Room.

I am going to stay with my Las Vegas sources for gambling.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
lol, what a childish little bitch....

sorry sg used to enjoy your posts.

wondering now if you really are in your thirties as i've read here.......



If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.
--Jules winnfield
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> PEEP wrote:
You signed a confidentiality agreement.

You broke it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Is this TRUE Sick?

Did you SIGN a confidentiality agreement and then TALK?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Intuition BET:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> PEEP wrote:
You signed a confidentiality agreement.

You broke it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Is this _TRUE_ Sick?

Did you _SIGN_ a confidentiality agreement and then _TALK_?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


--always bet your intuition--

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